

纽伯瑞大奖书单 凯迪克大奖书单 大学推荐书单


凯迪克大奖以19世纪的英国画家伦道夫郝德杰荣誉命名。每年由美国图书馆学会的分支机构—— 美国图书馆儿童服务学会向对美国儿童绘本作出突出贡献的作者颁奖。以下是从1938年至今的完整的获奖书单。

Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Mei Li Thomas Handforth Doubleday
Honor Books Andy and the Lion James Daugherty Viking
Barkis Clare Turlay Newberry Harper
The Forest Pool Laura Adams Armer Longmans
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Wanda Gag Coward
Wee Gillis Munro Leaf Robert Lawson Viking
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Animals of the Bible, A Picture Book Helen Dean Fish Dorothy P. Lathrop Lippincott
Honor Books Four and Twenty Blackbirds compiled by Helen Dean Fish Robert Lawson Stokes
Seven Simeons: A Russian Tale Boris Artzybasheff Boris Artzybasheff